Excited? You ought to be!
In 6 and a half times the Depot should be overloaded with awesome beers from nearby and afar in addition to best local road meals south Wales can offer. And you lot. Arrangements are very nearly total and we also can’t wait!
If you’ve not however seen, check out the roster, minus several sneaky belated improvements that we’re desperate to get our paws on and to get yourself some seats in advance: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/venue/EDKFKD
For £5 you get entry, get an incredibly limited Brewfest cup and a shiny programme to feast your eyes whilst you feast that person. Exceptional Bank Holiday weekend fodder!
Therefore, exactly what do you anticipate from united states? Well, a particular Champion Beer of Britain is there (it’s Cwtch, if you hadn’t seen us connect it a thousand times since final Tuesday ; ) ) along with some old favourites plus some extremely special barrel-aged kegs. Kentucky Rye Bourbon Barrel-Aged Dirty Stop Out, anyone? Oh, yes!
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