Let Southern Wales Argus find you an innovative new work within the travel and leisure business. With detailed understanding of the neighborhood jobs marketplace plus with our close working connections with clients from all areas, we could offer you an array of travel and leisure tasks throughout the Newport areas.
With London hosting the 2012 Olympics you will see increased focus on the UNITED KINGDOM vacation and leisure industry across after that 2 yrs. Increased federal government and manager investing along with a skills shortage has led to more opportunities to work with this sector. Roles vary from cabin crew and holiday representatives to specialist functions in corporate hospitality and vacation.
With these types of a variety of preference inside the vacation and leisure sector, knowledge and demands vary, therefore ensure you freshen up your CV and browse the work information carefully. For help see our CV builder and analysis service.
We provide a CV matching service, free of fee to work with. Only publish your CV in addition to employers come your way, as long as they have the right vacation and leisure vacancy.